There is an ideal world, a perfect world, a world of everlasting poise and beauty. It exists in a time before time but somehow it broke and life is but the task of trying to fix it, repair it, restore it. Or this ideal world exists now but is hidden from us. Life from this vantage is a search for this veiled world.
An Eden, Xanadu, Nirvana. Erewhon, Utopia. 'Broken World' is a theological concept. Theology underlies all of our world-building Is all our decision-making theologically driven?
A view in quiet opposition: there is no such thing as a 'perfect world.' neve has been, never will be. The World is exactly as we enact it.
brain bias
[I was suddenly reminded in the midst of writing it was time to start the Zoom meeting. This became the main topic of conversation. I begin again from where I began there.]
I heard a story yesterday on NPR, Science Friday. It was about hippos in Colombia. I did not really start listening until I heard the argument that we may have the whole notion of invasiveness wrong. That opposition of invasive against belonging needs rethinking. These are things I think a lot so I had to go back and listen to that part of the show.
It's a fifteen-minute podcast titled "Rethinking Invasive Species with Pablo Escobar's Hippos."