
Today is Juneteenth. I have only recently, in last few years, ever heard this word. That tells me how white am I. I have known for far longer than I've knon this word that slavery and violent contol of the black body is the American ever-present and living history. Black and brown histoy is a black and blue history is American history. Who won the Civil War?  Has it been won or driven down deep?


What is secret, what goes unsaid, what is indiscussible: these are a system's controlling elements. So I am drawn to apophatic theology and apophatic exercise.


Biological movement is a constrained bidiectional beam of radiance. To go out it must go in, to go in it goes out. Letting go requires holding on. We have tacitly been valuing one over the other.


There are tiny ruptures all along the base. They must be simply sat with, don't accommodate, don't lenlist. Let them sit with the stress they are able to manage.  Scott Carney calls it The Wedge like it's something hew he has just discovered. Lean into discomfort, get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Incrementally. Hone it down to the finest increments, check every little synapse at the smallest scale you can go.


The gap, the synapse, is where thought translates to action (but action likely happens first, thought is an afterthought.





The vision is for Ongoingness; Life continuing on . . . .


Flaneur (Out for a Stroll)


  Richard Valasek           1308 Ala Kapuna St. Apt 103

         Honolulu HI 9681 

        +1 (808) 256-1646


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I am I and my circumstance;

and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself.                       —JOSÉ ORTEGA Y GASSET

Changing the Conversation

I was born. I am always a vessel for something other than myself. The self is only a

vehicle for Foreign matter which comes from elsewhere and is destined to go on

elsewhere without me, whether it's words, smells, vision                                                      ––EMANUELE COCCIA  Metamorphoses

The Story Teller

Now, more than ever . . . our place in the universe and the place of the universe in us, is proving to be one of active relationship. That is more than a scientist's credo. The separateness of our lives is a sham. Physics, mathematics, music, painting, my love for you, my work, the star-dust of my body, the spirit that impels it, my politics,  clocks diurnal, time perpetual, the roll, rough, tender, swamping, liberating, breathing, moving, thinking nature, human nature and the cosmos are patterned together.

      —JEANETTE WINTERSON                Gut Symmetries

What you do, what you become, is not my concern.                      ROBERT MCCALL



Yes, there is beauty

There is love

There is joy.

All you who suffer from

the world's miseries

Defend them.

                         ––EEVA KILPI


"Don't immanentize the eschaton."  

                     ––ERIC VOEGELIN

For the god of writing is also the god of death. He will punish the imprudent who, in their quest for unlimited knowledge, end up drinking the dissolved book.…To drink the tear and wonder about the strangeness of its taste compared to one's own...



Jean-Marie Benoist, 
The Geometry of the Metaphysical Poets
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© Richard Valasek