Phase 5

Different things get thrown into this basket in the Ortho-Bionomy world. A lot of instructors like to say it is a "mood." I'm not sure they really know what they mean by "mood"  but they seem to have some specific mood in mind. I should write some in here about how mood is thought to bias cognition and when one's mood changes perception changes. Maybe further down more about mood.


The big shift of perspective that was introduced here has to do (perhaps) with empathy. It is a changing of roles. I could say Phase 5 is the lens of the carnivalesque (must make sure this is in the glossary along with reference to Bakhtin). The ruler becomes the follower and vice versa. The sublime and the grotesque bounce back and forth.


Phase 5 (we are often told) can be seductive. You may become enraptured in this mood. We are warned to resist that.


Phase 5 is much about haptics and non-conscious movement. 






The vision is for Ongoingness; Life continuing on . . . .


Flaneur (Out for a Stroll)


  Richard Valasek           1308 Ala Kapuna St. Apt 103

         Honolulu HI 9681 

        +1 (808) 256-1646


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I am I and my circumstance;

and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself.                       —JOSÉ ORTEGA Y GASSET

Changing the Conversation

I was born. I am always a vessel for something other than myself. The self is only a

vehicle for Foreign matter which comes from elsewhere and is destined to go on

elsewhere without me, whether it's words, smells, vision                                                      ––EMANUELE COCCIA  Metamorphoses

The Story Teller

Now, more than ever . . . our place in the universe and the place of the universe in us, is proving to be one of active relationship. That is more than a scientist's credo. The separateness of our lives is a sham. Physics, mathematics, music, painting, my love for you, my work, the star-dust of my body, the spirit that impels it, my politics,  clocks diurnal, time perpetual, the roll, rough, tender, swamping, liberating, breathing, moving, thinking nature, human nature and the cosmos are patterned together.

      —JEANETTE WINTERSON                Gut Symmetries

What you do, what you become, is not my concern.                      ROBERT MCCALL



Yes, there is beauty

There is love

There is joy.

All you who suffer from

the world's miseries

Defend them.

                         ––EEVA KILPI


"Don't immanentize the eschaton."  

                     ––ERIC VOEGELIN

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© Richard Valasek