I don't want to write. I don't really want to do much of anything. Nor do I want to do nothing. I will make myself write. A bottle wobbles out from the doldrums.
Karen has landed in a similar mental space. "I'm depressed. I think it's from going through all this stuff, so much letting go."
At the end of 2016 I flew to San Jose to help my brother-in-law empty his parents' house. They had to move into assisted living. Sixty years of middle class accumulation in a good-sized Sunnyvale home. One cabinet was full of their wedding presents––never used.
For several years we had all been watching the orderliness of this couple's life slowly deteriorate. Tools not being put in their carefully labeled place; piles of mail and papers and magazines not sorted. Clutter. We had all offered to help sort and straighten and thin the stuff, make it more manageable. All offers politely declined and evaded. Then it was forced upon them, faculties failed them and propelled into assisted living.