I'm a terrible journaler, never been able to establish it as a practice. Maybe this whole 'book' is my latest and maybe final attempt at a 'journal'. I had to hide it while pointing at it.
I'm reading some Faulkner (As I Lay Dying). I may now be ready to give him a real go. How loopy things are. I've found an ally to help with Faulkner. I've been reading Édouard Glissant, mostly for his writing on Poetics of Relation. Looking at what other things he'd written I was surprised to find a critical volume "Faulkner, Mississippi." In there I read,
To point out and hide a secret or a bit of knowledge (that is, to postpone its discovery): that is a great part of Faulkner's project and the motif around which his work is organized.
[and I'm realizing that in order to hide, a secret is necessarily pointed at––this flows from the bidirectional nature of movement]
The body works a lot this way, that which is hidden always gives signification. Study Faulkner to become a better orthobionomer? Heed the hidden. Find the bulk of who you are in the erasure and the palimpsest.