Proposed discussion for a Zoom Meeting
The title above is how Dr. Pauls "translated" the name he coined. Ortho-Bionomy.
Ortho: correct
Bio: life
Nomos: law
Pauls also consistently stressed that Ortho-Bionomy is also a philosophy, even titling his one book on the subject (published posthumously) The Philosophy and History of Ortho-Bionomy. Unfortunately, he had little or no training in philosophy so it is up to us to elucidate that philosophy.
There are three tricky concepts packed into this portmanteau name. From what vantage point are we able to say that one way is more correct than another? What exactly do we mean by life? Does life even have laws? The Greek nomos does not translate perfectly as 'law' in the ways we think the word in English. It includes notions of cultural practices and traditions. I'm pretty sure Pauls did not dig deeply into the broader meanings of nomos.
I want to start though with the concept of 'life.' What is it? Does life have a meaning? What is meaning? One question leads to another. Before we can have laws of life we have to say what life is and there is little agreement here, the seeming laws all seem hackable. But I'm taking a stab at Life and start with the word life itself, an archaeology of the word.'