Invisibility is a very useful basic skill of orthobionomy.
I stumbled into invisibility, or first learned some vestige of the skill through play, unaware that I was learning anything or doing anything but play.
Now I grasping better how to turn it off and on. It has a lot to do with a rate of change scale and that has everything to do with meaning. (What is the meaning of Meaning?) To be invisible to another is the same as to say one means absolutely nothing to another.
Chesterton played with this theme a bit in his Father Brown stories, a murderer hiding in plain sight, invisible.
Taking a leap here. Astronomers, astrophysicists: those sorts of folk, say that something in the neighborhood of 97% of the universe is 'hidden' from us, inaccessible to any of our senses or their extensions. Maybe this is not a statement about the Universe but a statement about Science.