Workshop Topics
Some of My Favorites
Workshops / Playgrounds
Build Your Own
Do you have a place? Do you have some people? Contact me and we can work out the rest of the detials.
Tailor the workshop to the needs of the participants.
Choose from any of the Ortho-Bionomy® programs.
Choose from any of "My Favorites." (below)
I first and foremost about teaching how to live and thrive in a world that can seem to be hurtling to destruction. Catastrophic Times. How you live in the time you have deternimes how that time will be. How we live in the world shapes how the world lives. Ongoingness is the only goal of life. All the games we play are about this, continuing on.
I focus my healing work on Gaia, Gaia heals us. It's very simple.
Reciprocity is a big feature of orthobionomy.
If you want to organize an event contact me.
If you want to learn how to use some orthobionomy in your life be a healer, not as some boastful claim but a word used only in a private voice that says "I accept this responsibility."
I require no prerequisites for any events.
Some of My Favorites
Body Studies (Anatomy and Physiology of the Person)
One of the values of Ortho-Bionomy has been to offer the possiblity of beginning to see different 'versons' of the body, how it shows up in different phases. I like to think in terms of scope and scale.
Now the microbiome has been invited back in as an essantial organ.
Placement and position of people and things become a part of your anatiommy, like a Decorator Crab. Each separate scope has different zones of contact.
Give yourself a New Body in learning how it really works.
Render Unto Caesar
The goal of learning orthobionomy is to live in a continuous prosess of being (as you always are) the best verson of yourself you've ever been, I encourage to study with as many Instructors as you can, copy none. Learn how orhtobionomy expresses you. At the end you will learn that you were sufficient all along. Each Instructor has a lovely Story to tell the stories of Ortho-Bionomy with. It is a sadness to have to miss any.
My Story likes to nudge playfully at borders and differences.
I am qualitfied to taech all levels of the Ortho-Bionomy® programs.