[Thanks and/or apologies to Tom Tom Club, borrowing their title; I couldn't help myself.]
I have begun a weekly Zoom meeting, for now it is every Saturday afternoon, beginning a noon for me here is Hawai'i. You will have to do your own calculations to figure the time where you live. Things will change as I learn more about working all this tech stuff things. I have plans that may or may not manifest.
I want to set up some dialogues and I have some people and topics in mind. I need there to be a bigger audience before I proceed with this but I have done some preliminary feeling out of some people.
The seed for this was a small group of seven in the area of Sheridan WY who convened in person in September 2020. They all expressed a desire to continue pursuing leaning and playing in this field but covid pushes us into zoomland.
The begining has been halting: me learning basic Zoom, other projects competing for time, my waxing and waning vitality.
Now we have some stability. Click this link to join the Saturday meeting:
I may try to recap some of the previous meetings, we have talked about and practiced a number of things of an orthobionomy nature. In the course of these intimate conversations an opening gambit has come to me, the beginnings of a plan (to the extent we can formulate plans these days).
I want to focus on an area that is called Ethics and Emotional Issues in the Ortho-Bionomy® program. It is about
Possible Topics for Conversation: