A New Anatomy and Physiology for Living in the Anthropocene
No rack can torture me,
My soul’s at liberty.
Behind this mortal bone
There knits a bolder one
You cannot prick with saw,
Nor rend with scymitar.
Two bodies therefore be;
Bind one, and one will flee.
The eagle of his nest
No easier divest
And gain the sky
Than mayest thou,
Except thyself may be
Thine enemy;
Captivity is consciousness,
So’s liberty.
How we think about, study, and perceive the body is largely base on Enlightenment thinking. That may have been a good story then, a good fit for those times. It no longer serves us well, straining at the seams.
Here we spend only 32 hours to start to shift from reductionism and individualism
Some Topics:
Ubiety, the extended organism, the role of the body schema
History of the Body
The body is the way it is because that's how we are used to talking and writing about it. We do not have any good way to talk about the Body in its entirety. The best I can do is uppercase the word to dsitinguish the entirety from the fleshy moiety.