It is not an opposite of or opposition to science but a completing of science, science without predicates.
Ignorance (“learned ignorance) is the partner of knowing, not doing the partner of doing, letting go the robbers of holding on.
I posit that Movement is the ground of being of the universe, a rare brute fact. Movement without a reference point is indistinguishable from stillness. Two points are required to wedge the two apart.
When does sentience become a factor?
The word apophatic is most often seen connected to the word theology: apophatic theology, sometimes also called negative theology. As it relates ideas of god it is god with no predicates. In some eastern traditions it is called the Tao, of which it is not possible to say anything (including saying this about it).
Though this is not a theological treatise (I am not a theologian in any formal sense) orthobionomy, seen as an apophatic science, must include theology. I am seeing science in what is being excluded, defining it in its negative.
The most widely known application of orthobionomy, its public face, its commercial face, is in the realm of the healing arts, therapy. I call such applications apophatic medicine and take a broader view than simply bodywork. Again, what is being excluded from medicine, denied or neglected.
A thought while playig in the gym today: Impingement becomes sensation through the addition of meaning.
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